2004-09-03 Streaming from VILMA to Ars Electronica / Kunst Radio (Linz, Austria)
hopkins / neoscenes is back in streaming form yet again:

Steve Bradley(1), the founder of art@radio(2), invited neoscenes to join in Kunstradio's (3) special live radio project "Reinventing Radio: THE LONG NIGHT OF RADIO-ART"(4) happening at Ars Electronica(5) this year.

as a debut stream from the vilma(6) offices in Vilnius, Lithuania, the neoscenes mix will be routed to Steve's studio in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, where it will be remixed with his live stream and then sent to Kunstradio in Linz, Austria for transmission on FM, shortwave, and online.

check out the latest info on how to join us on http://art-radio.net/kunstradio/

Friday, 03 September, 2004

23:00-24:00 in Vilnius (EET=GMT+2)
4:00 - 5:00 PM in New York (EST=GMT-5)
2:00 - 3:00 PM in Denver (MST=GMT-7)


1) http://umbc7.umbc.edu/~sbradley/

2) http://art-radio.net/

3) http://kunstradio.at/

4) http://kunstradio.at/PROJECTS/REINVENTING/index.php?c=3

5) http://www.aec.at/

6) http://www.vilma.cc

2) http://art-radio.net/kunstradio/