RnD project by Urbonas at CAA Turku 2011
July 6th, 2011

Yanis’ sheep

We’ve met Yanis at cheese factory. He delivered milk of his sheep and goats. Yanis did not speak English but was curious who we are and what do we want. Later he said he would never invite us to his farm if not us being Kostas friends. Kostas is our host from Plakias. Every summer we spend two weeks staying at his studio. Kostas also cooks for his family and his friends every night. Yanis happend to be also Kostas friend and he invited us to visit his farm on the mountain near Plakias on Tuesday July 5 2011, at 7 am.

Yanis has 1000 sheep on this farm and some hundreds on another in Armeni. He is very proud of his highly ecological milk as sheep spend their days in extremely clean environment of  the mountains and breath fresh sea shore air.
Despite a freedom to move around in the nature, sheep queue fom early morning to get into the milking platform in the farm. They are supervised by castrated male goat and two big shepherds.

Yanis has five sons of age from 13 to 1. All of them get tough training at the farm since their are born.

Osama is working in the farm as well. He comes from North Africa. Osama takes care of sheep, kids, milking process, and guards the premises.

Yanis himself is checking the farm everyday. He teaches his sons how to take care of animals.

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