2004-05-12 Vytautas : output
When specifying the objectives of the information society, the information society has been viewed as open, educated, continuously learning and grounding its activities on competencies (knowledge). Human activities are less restricted by distances and time, they become more global and specialization intensifies.

However, the power of information, competencies (knowledge) and information technologies (IT) is fully revealed only in the information society if, ideally, all its members: producers, service providers, the common people and managers at all levels are able, know how and want to take their advantages. The spiritual form of information seems to make of the entire globe, and of the human family, a single consciousness.

Evergreen optimism of rapidly approaching egalitarian era under the pledge of free universal access to information, cornucopian abundance of all imaginable material and spiritual goods sometimes is false:

The majority of Lithuanians think that Internet requires advanced computer skills. This perception may be closely linked to insufficient knowledge of the Internet and low PC penetration. However, people in Lithuania agree (somewhat agree) that living without Internet will increase the feeling of social exclusion.

Personal identity avatar Homo Irretitus (literally "irretitus" in Latin means "caught in a net, trapped") asks: is s/he legitimately afraid of frightening developments and hopes for something that is worth desiring?

There is no competent [governmental] institution with relevant authority to manage, regulate and coordinate the activities of the development of the information society. The games serve as institutions and are the extensions of the social man and the political body. The games and technologies suppress irritation or they help to adapt to the tension, which emerges in every social group.

In order to minimize urban and rural information infrastructure differences and to provide all the population equal opportunities to use IT for social and public needs, it is necessary to establish open points of contact, particularly in rural areas. The games are situations, which let to the people to take part in real time collective events (ways of life). Voices of hope continue to usher perfected perspectives of far better, more human, prosperous, more predictable and sustainable new world order.

The game is the machine, which can function (operate) only if players agree to be marionettes. Homo Irretitus, one who nets in the net: the netting and at the same time netted human being is inhabitant of information society. Homo Irretitus has "faceless", "artificial" and "rootless" portrait. Therefore an external conscience is now as necessary as private consciousness. Individuals desire to obey to collective requirements. Although, Lithuanian people feels excluded without internet (media) they can feel virtually included because electricity and net is total and inclusive.
